Route 66: the virtual travel

Many people dream to travel the historic Route 66 but this is expensive and not easy. The production house based in London “The Old Film Farm ltd” want to produce the first travel guide filmed in 360° to bring the audience really trough the most important road in the world.

With the new technology is now possible to shoot with an wide angle and is possible to create videos at 360 degrees. The audience can watch the movie using the cheap virtual reality glasses (is possible to find in Amazon with €8 only) or using the mouse to scroll te image all around.

Marco Recalchi is a director specialised in documentaries and travel guides. He has directed many movies and a lot of documentaries in south of America, Thailand, Africa etc. Now he want to bring the people trough the Route 66 with this new shooting technology.

The idea is to produce 8 episodes (for web) of 5 minutes each to tell an incredible adventure like the Route 66 journey.

Two actor: Marco Recalchi and his operator Antony Reolon (protagonist of the tv show “A summer in the Savannah”) will show to the audience the right way to travel, the tricks to make a perfect journey, where to sleep, what to see along the Route 66 and how to spend to make this journey.

The web series is now on Kickstarter to find the budget to produce all the episodes and to edit and share this video-guide. The supporters will receive the episodes or the beautiful vintage t-hsirt of the web series. Only one supporter can travel “virtually” with Marco and Antony; the person who take the “shape” rewards, can send his picture to Marco and Antony; they will print an real shape of the supporter that travel with they in all the episodes…the first cardboard actor in the history.

The Kickstarter campaign ends in the middle of May. The goal is only €4500 (The Old Film Farm ltd pay half the budget: totally is €9000). There are many rewards .

The shooting will be on September and the delivery of the rewards is on December 2017.

Is it possible to support buying the distribution rights to share the episodes in own web travel site.

Here is the Kickstarter link: